Thursday, January 28, 2010

Heritage Play Day

Hello everyone - our apologies for the lag between postings! It's been a busy January, and it promises to be a busy February as well.

In case you haven't heard, we're planning to have our annual Heritage Play Day on February 20th this year. From 1:00 until 4:00, people of all ages are invited to come down to the museum for an old-fashioned good time! It'll be fun for the whole family. We'll be pulling out some tables and some crafting supplies, and providing some professional-quality coaching on origami, whirligigs, and other crafts. You can also check out a photo display on old-time sports and recreation on the Sunshine Coast that we're putting together in celebration of BC Heritage Week, which runs from February 15th to the 21st. This year's Heritage Week theme, not surprisingly as the Olympics draw near, is sports and recreation.

Putting together the photo display reminds me what a spectacular resource our photo collection is. A historic photograph is a powerful thing - it shows you something that can be both familiar and jarringly different. Take the photograph of Gibson's Landing behind the title of this blog as an example! We're hoping to make good use of our photo collection in our revitalized upstairs exhibits this year, so stay tuned. We're also hoping to make photo prints available for sale in our gift shop very soon.

So long for now! Hope to see you at Heritage Play Day! Or, if you can't make it then (or would rather miss out on making crafts), any other time between 10:30 and 4:30, Tuesday through Saturday!